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Local 1547 Wireman Rep:

Ted Swanson: 907-777-7239

JOURNEYMAN WIREMAN WAGE as of 9/1/24: $50.94 (plus full benefit package)

Electricians are skilled tradesmen in the construction industry. If a job has to do with electric power, an electrician is involved with it, in one fashion or another.

While all wiremen are electricians, not all electricians are wiremen.

Electricians install, maintain and repair electrical lines and systems in residential, commercial, industrial and municipal environments. Electricians may specialize in a particular segment of the industry. The primary employment categories include outside linemen, inside wiremen and residential wiremen.


Electricians typically learn their trade through a formal apprenticeship program that lasts three years or more, depending on the field of specialization. During their apprenticeship, electricians learn to read blueprints and technical diagrams. They learn to inspect electrical components and use testing devices to identify electrical problems. Because electric power can be dangerous and even deadly if not handled properly, electricians are trained to observe a high level of safety protocols. They are responsible for understanding and abiding by local and state building codes and regulations.

Inside Wireman

Inside wiremen are electricians who specialize in connecting their commercial customers' electrical systems to the outside power source, and then distributing that power throughout the facility. An inside wireman's job might include installing conduit, lighting fixtures and electrical outlets. Inside wiremen inspect and maintain electrical motors and equipment. They may install alarm systems or electrical control panels. In addition to installations, inside wiremen inspect, maintain and repair existing electrical systems within the facility.

Residential Wireman

A residential wireman performs many of the same tasks as an inside wireman, except in residential, rather than commercial or industrial, environments. Residential wiremen install and distribute electrical power in single and multi-family dwellings. They may install the main circuit breaker box, plan and install electrical lines in new or existing construction and troubleshoot and make repairs to faulty lines and systems. As homes become more sophisticated, residential wiremen are more involved with planning and installing low-voltage cable and communications systems, including alarm systems, power monitoring systems, computer networking and cable television systems.

Journeyman Wireman Electrical Licensing Requirements

State of Alaska Department of Labor Info - State Electrical License (Certificate of Fitness), Department of Labor
Phone Number: 907-269-4925 Option #1.
Link for application:

In order to apply for a State Electrical License you have two options.

If not, you need to take the Alaska State Electrical Exam.

If you have taken a journeyman's examination test in one of the states listed below and have maintained that license for a period of at least one calendar year, call 907-269-4925 and press option #1 for rules and applications on reciprocating.

Current Reciprocal list as of 7/2018:    Arkansas, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Wyoming and Utah.

Taking the Examination:  Requirement for obtaining the State of Alaska Certificate of Fitness (State Electrical License) is as follows:

State of Alaska Inside Electrical Licensing Requirements: If you plan to work in Alaska, this is what you need to prove in order to obtain an Alaska State Electrical License.  Read the following carefully as the proof to take the exam is stringently adhered to by the DOL.

Verification of Hours: Your Business Manager or Business Representative can write a letter on the Local Union's letterhead with the following information:

The following individual was initiated into Local Union xxxx on (date here) and is a member in good standing. Include with the letter an itemized list of IBEW dispatches showing Start-Stop dates, Company Name, Type of work (e.g. Residential, Commercial, or Industrial) and total hours worked for that company.

*Inside Wiremen must have the type of work identified or the DOL will not accept it.

Example: Dispatches

Dates Employed         Company Name      Type of Work          Hours    

7/12/05 – 2/23/06      New York Electric            Commercial               4250    

3/8/06 - 11/14/07        Brown's Electric                 Industrial                5300

The letter must document 8000 plus total hours of itemized dispatches. (The state will only accept 2000 Residential hours towards your Journeyman Electrician License)This letter must be signed by your representative and then NOTARIZED. The "Experience Verification Form" that comes with your application package must be filled out and verified by IBEW Local 1547.  

Send the original notarized letter from your Business Agent or Business Manager, the completed Notarized application from the link above, and a $50 dollar check or Money order made out to the State of Alaska to:

IBEW Local 1547 or Ted Swanson,
3333 Denali St. Suite 200,
Anchorage, Alaska 99503,
Work # 907-777-7236

Tests are conducted in Anchorage. In Anchorage, testing is conducted at the Alaska Department of Labor Mechanical Inspection Office. Test sites are also available elsewhere in the State in Fairbanks, Juneau, and Ketchikan.

Call the DOL at 907-269-4925 for appointments.  
The address in Anchorage is:

1251 Muldoon Road, Suite 113,
Anchorage, Alaska 99504

It is an open book test with 100 code questions based on the 2017 NEC code. You cannot have handwritten notes in your code book, but tabs and highlighting are permissible. They allow 4 hours to complete the test.

Check in early the day of testing!

The $50.00 check or money order made out to the State of Alaska is for the test application fee only.  After passing the test, the license costs an additional $200.00 for a two (2) year license.

Code Of Exellence

The Code of Excellence is a program designed to bring about the best in our construction members and demonstrate to our customers that IBEW members.

  • Perform the highest quality and quantity of work.
  • Utilize their skills and abilities to the maximum.
  • Exercise safe and productive work practices.

For more information contact Ted Swanson at 907-777-7239 or